dr elias quintos

Contact Information


For questions and for new and

follow-up appointments:


Phone: (941) 916-0878

Fax:     (941) 916-9277

Cell:    (941) 916-0878


Email: QuintosMD@comcast.net




Privacy Policy


Heart, Lung and Chest Surgery

Elias R. Quintos, MD, FACS


A commitment to meticulous &

                             approachable personal care

We are committed to protecting your privacy and will never share information unless required to do so by law. If you have any questions about our privacy policy please contact us via the phone or email on this website.

We collect and retain any information you provide to us via email, letter, or telephone.  Any information we receive from you is solely to facilitate communications with you.  For example, if you call us and give us your name, phone number, or address, we may retain that information in order to contact you in the future. If you email us, we may retain your email address and contact information in order to email you back.

We may implement cookies or other tracking methods such as Google Analytics in order to track information about our website usage. For instance, we may track the pages you visit, the type of browser that you use, the date and time you were on our site, your operating system, your IP address, or other information relevant to tracking site usage and providing statistical data we can use to analyze site usage. We only collect non-personal information for these purposes in order to enhance our website. Also, you can disable cookies through your browser settings at any time if you wish to do so; or through this link https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Our website may include links to other third-party websites. These links are reasonably identifiable via a button or link text on our site.  We have no control over any third-party websites and cannot control any website tools these parties may use, including the use of cookies or other tracking technologies. Please use care when leaving our website and review each business or third-party websites privacy policy individually.




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Heart Surgery, Heart Doctor, Lung Surgeon, and Chest Surgeon

Elias R. Quintos, MD, FACS Providing heart, lung and chest surgery